I am trying to make a Ajax K2 article feed under a menu like mashable http://prntscr.com/aabwx8
While searching over for a module that do this I found SJ K2 Ajax Tabs.
This module appear to have everything that I needed.
Tried to install it and put into e module position and everything was very good.
The ugly thing stared when I tried to position that module like a submenu.
I am always getting this error: (This module might not available with current Access Level) http://prntscr.com/aabz23
After trying many things I tried to load (SJ K2 Ajax Tabs) module inside a Custom Html module using nonumber plugin(https://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/modulesanywhere),
In this case me custom module was positioned under the menu, but in the frontend I am getting some JS errors.
Could someone helps me with a tip how to be able to insert this module directly under a menu?!
As my situation its desperate please Just suggest me another module that its compatible with
Mega Menu and offers the K2 Ajax feature Tab.